Welcome To The Blog!

The original idea for this trip was a flight to New Brunswick to see my Dad's family for about two weeks. But the idea has evolved into a five week road trip with limited resources and a lot of fun. Call it the "Toner Family Experiment" if you will. Or call it an adventure.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sweet Baby James

Today was pretty darn amazing.
We left Sheralynn's house, and I made a new friend there named Peyton. It was a beautiful house and a fantastic time. They have the cutest dog EVER. We also saw the sleeping giant (u can look it up if u dont know). Thanks!
We had been driving for about 3 hours, leaving Thunder Bay, zoned out and reading PLL (we'll talk later...), when I hear my mother say, "7lbs, 9oz."
I freeze.
"What?!" I say.
Mom smiles, "Baby James was born last night at 11:03pm. He weighs 7lbs, 9oz."
I beamed and began to cry ecstatic tears. I placed the Nook at my side, and basically just sat there and felt my fears and hopes about the delivery all leak out in a healthy, wonderful rush. I can't wait to see him, and I feel so happy that I'm a new older cousin.
Today all we did was drive around Lake Superior. yup.
Pictures tomorrow.
OH! And PLL. Yes, I'm reading it. No, I havent seen the show. No, I havent made my mind up about it yet. I think its unfair to group Emily in with the other girls. So, okay, she has a crush on her girlfriend, but guess what? Shes actually a very sweet, honest, shy girl. AND shes grouped in with a bulimic girl who steals cars and clothes, a girl who made out with her english teacher and refuses to tell her mother about her fathers affair, and a girl who stole her sisters boyfriend, then continued to see him and do it with him. How is that fair?! I dont understand. Who cares. Blegh. Herp derp.
I'm sorry I just ranted all over the place. I have to go clean it up.
Bless your face. If you sneezed during this blog, bless you. Peace off.

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