Welcome To The Blog!

The original idea for this trip was a flight to New Brunswick to see my Dad's family for about two weeks. But the idea has evolved into a five week road trip with limited resources and a lot of fun. Call it the "Toner Family Experiment" if you will. Or call it an adventure.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


This road trip has been excellent. And more than anything, I feel amazing today! My self-consciousness is just starting to dissolve. I even played Katy Perry songs on Just Dance with my little cousin Enya. Two weeks ago you wouldn't have caught me dead doing that. Okay, not the Katy Perry songs at least (In case you didn't know, Katy Perry is my mortal music enemy). But I'm starting to shed my little girl skin and I'm starting to grow up. And it's pretty dang awesome. I feel smarter and prettier than ever before. Me, smart and pretty? It's actually possible! Shocking, huh? Right.
We stayed at our friends the Weibe's for 2 nights. It was great to see Jaz and Kenzie again. Kenzie's mom, Normay, and my Mom used to push us around town in our baby strollers. It was weird seeing the girls again, but awesome.
Now we're staying with my Uncle Allen, Aunt Margaret, and cousin Enya. Enya is almost seven, and one of the most enthusiastic little girls I know. She never runs out of energy. This is good and bad. She kept me up all night last night (I went to bed at 3:00, but I was tired at 11:30). Then she woke me up at 8:00 sharp. But she's a very sweet kid none the less.
Ah...life is so good. So very good. There's just a feeling of ease and wonder you get when you're with family, in a place where you know nobody's going to judge you or make fun of you (unless playfully, or you actually seriously deserve it).
Well, I have to go play some more Wii Games. Or Enya will pour juice in my hair.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee!

Today was truly wonderful. We left Jenn's, grateful for her hospitality, and headed towards West Ed (The biggest mall in the world. It's amazing)
We had some cinnamon buns and headed straight for the huge Santa Maria replica. We boarded the boat and took a look around. It's a beautiful ship.
We spent the rest of the day browsing the huge mall. I was looking for a suitable D&D figurine (If I can't find anything at any of these novelty stores soon, I'll just make my own :/ ). We bought an awesome card game called "Munchkin" (We played it at the first stop on this trip!)
We also bought some drawing pads (finally!), and I'm still looking for a musicians notebook (a note-book with lined paper).
We then checked in to the Fantasy-Land Hotel, a hotel INSIDE the mall, famed for it's amazing fantasy suites. We got a free upgrade into a fantasy suite, which is awesome! It's the sports suite, and the real beauty is in all the details.

Okay...it's picture day. Lets go...



Well, goodnight.
